Course Details
Engage in a profession with the right preparation.
If you want to work in medical science, it is important to know about the science behind healthcare. By the end of this course you will be able to:
Understand the role of science in healthcare
Identify the important concepts and principles of science
Recognize how scientific evidence is collected, evaluated and used in healthcare decision-making
Course Overview
The University of Sydney is accredited by the Australian Universities Quality Association, ANU QLD ISBT & ISO 14001: 2004, and been awarded the prestigious QLD AUSUS Quality Award in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
The University of Sydney is the only university in Australia to be awarded the Top 100 Universities in the World 2012 by the Times Higher Education World Rankings. This is the fifth time that the University has been ranked in the top 100 and is based on the total number of citations per faculty member across the university.
Content Overview
The course provides an introduction to the roles and importance of science in healthcare and healthcare decision-making. Students are introduced to the concepts of evidence-based practice and learning to critically assess the quality of information sources and the potential value of a health care decision.
The primary purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of science and the range of scientific methods that are used in the field of healthcare decision-making. The course aims to develop skills required to communicate effectively with patients, health care professionals, policy makers and the wider community.
Students will also develop critical thinking and analytic skills as they apply scientific methods to solve practical problems.
1.1Students will gain an understanding of the importance and role of scientific methods in healthcare decision-making and of the skills required to communicate effectively with patients, health care professionals, policy makers and the wider community.
1.2Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the sources and types of scientific evidence and the ways in which scientific evidence is used in healthcare decision-making.
1.3Students will be able to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different types of evidence and the critical use of this information in healthcare decision-making.
2.1Students will be able to apply scientific methods to develop a plan of action to identify problems and solutions.
2.2Students will be able to develop their oral and written communication skills as they critically evaluate the
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